
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0

A slot is a group of cavities in a connector housing with own properties. The design of a slot is described in a SlotSpecification.

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner electrical_parts
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier AbstractSlot
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
slotNumber String 0..1

Specifies the number of the slot. This must be unique within a ConnectorHousingSpecification.

colorInformation Color 0..*

Specifies the color of the slot.

sealingType SlotSealingType 0..1

Specifies the type of the sealing of the slot, if sealed. The values are defined in an OpenEnumeration.

permittedTerminalSupplierCompanyNames String 0..*

If this attribute is defined, it is only permitted to use terminals of one of the listed terminal suppliers.

The used company name shall be same as the one used as PartVersion.companyName for part numbers of this supplier.


Outgoing Relations

Type Role Mult. Mult. Description
Cavity cavity 1..* 1

Specifies the Cavities forming the Slot.
