
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0

A Connection is an electrological connection between two or more ComponentPorts.

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner schematic
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier RoutableElement
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
identification String 1

Specifies a unique identification of the Connection. The identification is guaranteed to be unique within the ConnectionSpecification.

description AbstractLocalizedString 0..*

Specifies additional, human readable information about the Connection.

installationInstruction Instruction 0..*

Specifies installation instruction for the connection.


Outgoing Relations

Other End This End General
Role Type Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Mult. Description
net Net 0..1 N Y N 0..* References the Net that is realized by the Connection.
connectionEnd ConnectionEnd 2..* Y Y N 1 Specifies the ConnectionEnds of the Connection.
signal Signal 0..1 N Y N 0..* References the signal that is transmitted by the connection.

Incoming Relations

This End Other End General
Role Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Type Mult. Description
connection 0..* N Y N MatingPoint 0..*

References the Connection that is realized by this MatingPoint. For example, when a connection is realized by directly plugging or screwing two E/E components together.

connection 0..* N Y N BridgeTerminalRole 0..*

References the Connection that is realized by this BridgeTerminalRole.

connection 0..* Y Y N ConnectionSpecification 1 Specifies the Connection defined by the ConnectionSpecification.
connection 0..* N Y N MatingDetail 0..*

References the Connection that is realized by this MatingPointDetail. For example, when a connection is realized by directly plugging or screwing two E/E components together.

The definition at level of the MatingDetail might be required if the TerminalRole of the MatingPoint carries multiple different potentials (e.g. Coax).

connection 2..* N Y N ConnectionGroup 0..* References the Connections that are grouped by the ConnectionGroup.
connection 0..* N Y N WireElementReference 0..* References the Connection that is realized by the referenced WireElement (WireElementReference). KBLFRM-341